Sunday, May 23, 2010

Trash with Class

Even garbage in New York is treated as High Art

In the top left corner, you can also make out the new Shepard Fairey (Obama poster artist) mural on the side of the evil Cooper Square Hotel.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Easter Bonnet Parade 2010

This hat is made of crayons.

Never be a wall flower!

So this last image, the one that looks like a big bouquet that you'd find when you walk into a fancy restaurant or the entrance hall of the MET, that's one woman's hat. Where you see the green leaves, that's covering her dress.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sand Painting in Union Square

For Nashville

This plaque was near the emergency defibrillator at the Nashville Airport. As my roommate can attest, Nashville needs a bit of love and attention right now.

You Know You're Right

Sometime NYC provides you with needed wisdom...via spray painted stencils on your corner.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This fabulously painted bus is parked on my block. Yet another reason to love my block.

Blast from the Past

Found on the street in the East Village near a ConEd mini-dig. Clearly booze and music are the archeological remains of the neighborhood.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

NYPD out in force

Thank god the Red Lobster in Times Square has been secured!