Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nobody Knows Who You Are...Yet

The Spiderman musical, which has been plagued by both script and money problems, had to delay its announced February opening and rumors are the production costs close to $50 million dollars.

Apparently there is some movement towards raising the curtain on this Julie Taymor helmed project (with a book by Glen Berger and music by Bono and the Edge) as I walked by the Hilton Theater the other day and the crew was loading in. Here's an image of the set being hung on the back wall of the theater. You can see similar grey images on Gotham just behind the flat to its right.

And apparently Local 1 doesn't have Spidey sense so their materials all needed to be well labeled.

New Sand Painting in Union Square

Walk, Stop, F*%k You

Sunday, June 13, 2010

GREED stays on track

The MTA is about to cut service and take away students' free Metrocards prompting the following change of service sign recently posted in one of the stations.

Sorry I couldn't get closer so you could read the fine print. I'm sure it ain't appropriate for younguns'

Wednesday, June 2, 2010