Thursday, September 30, 2010


In case you fear the dentist but need some work done, here's the practice for you -- check out the tagline on the bottom right of the sign.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

NYC vs Stockholm

In Central Park you will find an Organic Fast Food cart. Here is the list of hot dog offerings:

Compare that to the Hot Dog stand I passed in Stockholm:

That's right, your options include two scoops of mashed potatoes (second picture on the right), shrimp salad (third picture on the left), or roasted pork (third from the right).

6th St and 1st Ave: A Love Story

Oy, Mister Velo, you are a colorful chap and so full of life. I am drawn to you.

Si mio piccolo sidecar, I too feel the electricity between us. You are so sturdy, so understated. Will you attach yourself to me?

Are you not afraid, dear sir, that I will weigh you down?

Mio amore, you will bring balance to my life. I adore you.

And I love you. Let us drive into the sunset together.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Glow in the Dark

The small square at 6th Ave and Bleeker was recently refurbished. The new fountain lights up at night. A wee bit European but with a day-glow twist.