Sunday, October 27, 2013


Great Halloween costume spotted at a party in Greenpoint.

For those not fluent in Star Wars, this is a Jawa:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Banksy sighting

I was excited to see this image painted into a concrete block near a construction site on 3rd Ave.  I figured it was created by some bored Cooper Union student.  Turns out it was part of Banky's residency in NYC.

The British graffiti artist is doing one installation a day for the month of October.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Take that Cronuts

I'm not waiting in line starting at 6am (the recommended time) to get a Cronut when I can get a M&M, chocolate covered rice crispy bar or a donut from my beloved Donut Planet on Grand St.

For those who aren't aware of the most sought after dessert in NYC: