Saturday, December 19, 2009


An annual pub crawl that's so much more. Santa's Rules from the SatnaConNYC website:
  • Santa looks like Santa. HOLIDAY APPAREL IS MANDATORY. A Santa hat is not enough. Get a Santa suit. Buy a Santa suit. Make a Santa suit. Steal a Santa suit. Just don't wear your fucking jeans.
  • Santa acts like Santa. Be jolly. Belly-laugh.
  • Santa doesn't seek media attention. "Ho-ho-ho" is good. "Publicity ho" is lame.
  • Don't be "that" Santa.
    Your friends want to have fun, not scrape the puke outta your beard or prevent your wasted ass from wandering into traffic.
  • Santa does not make children cry (unless they whine, snivel, or otherwise deserve it).
    Really - If you see kids, give them nice toys, candy, or something pleasant. Feel free to urinate on the parents. Tourists fall somewhere in between the two -- adjust depending on their attitude.
  • Santa doesn't get arrested. Please remember the FOUR FUCKS:
    1. Don't fuck with kids.
    2. Don't fuck with cops.
    3. Don't fuck with security.
    4. Don't fuck with Santa.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Take the A train

It's hard to make out the image, but this vintage subway car pulled into the 42nd Street station. Apparently there are vintage buses and subway cars out this week as a holiday treat for New Yorkers.

You can see cars from as far back as 1900 at the Transit Museum in Brooklyn.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Naughty or Nice?

Walking down W 42nd. Someone's getting ready for their Holiday Party. Don't know if you can quite make out the wording on the balloons -- one says naughty and one says nice. Wonder which balloon most people will want to take home?

Monday, November 16, 2009


Sculptures made entirely from labels on boxes and cans of food. A few days before Thanksgiving, the sculptures are taken apart and the food is given to area food banks.

Donut with sprinkles being dunked into a cup of coffee.

Wall-E and Eva.

There are CANSTRUCTIONS all over the country. Find one near you--entry is a can of food.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Life Imitating Art

You may have seen something similar at the Whitney Biennial a few years ago, but this phone booth was just outside my office.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


From the Annual Pumpkin Carving Party.

Monday, October 26, 2009


This is posted all over NYC. Love it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Vince -- Don't look

From the costume shop on the ground floor of my building. It really looks like he could jump at and kill me in the dead of night. CREEPY!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On Mulberry Street

Feast of San Gennaro
It smelled even better than it looked.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hangin' at the Guggenheim

This is old but too cool not to post. It's from the top of the Guggenheim spiral looking at an installation from the Cai Guo-Qiang exhibit.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Trip to Coney Island

Wherever Gene Cohen Leff is, I'm sure there's one of these near by.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter Bonnet Parade 2009

This was my first year at the Easter Bonnet Parade. It was very impressive. Here are some of my favorites.

While lovely, this hat is considered pretty ho-hum by parade standards.

This woman's dress is made entirely from Peeps.

These guys were walking around together and people were swarming them to take photos. It's like they'd never seen a man walking around in a topiary bunny costume before.