Saturday, December 19, 2009


An annual pub crawl that's so much more. Santa's Rules from the SatnaConNYC website:
  • Santa looks like Santa. HOLIDAY APPAREL IS MANDATORY. A Santa hat is not enough. Get a Santa suit. Buy a Santa suit. Make a Santa suit. Steal a Santa suit. Just don't wear your fucking jeans.
  • Santa acts like Santa. Be jolly. Belly-laugh.
  • Santa doesn't seek media attention. "Ho-ho-ho" is good. "Publicity ho" is lame.
  • Don't be "that" Santa.
    Your friends want to have fun, not scrape the puke outta your beard or prevent your wasted ass from wandering into traffic.
  • Santa does not make children cry (unless they whine, snivel, or otherwise deserve it).
    Really - If you see kids, give them nice toys, candy, or something pleasant. Feel free to urinate on the parents. Tourists fall somewhere in between the two -- adjust depending on their attitude.
  • Santa doesn't get arrested. Please remember the FOUR FUCKS:
    1. Don't fuck with kids.
    2. Don't fuck with cops.
    3. Don't fuck with security.
    4. Don't fuck with Santa.

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